AGNetTools is a collection of useful IP tools. AGNetTools includes:
• Ping: pings a device and times the responses.
• Trace Route: Traces the route packets take from your computer to any device with an IP address on the Internet.
• Name Lookup: uses DNS to resolve names to addresses and addresses to names.
• Finger: uses the finger protocol to get information about a user on a given server.
• Whois: uses the whois protocol to get whois information.
• Throughput Tool: tests for availability of resources (using FTP or HTTP) on the Internet and calculates the time, size, and speed of download.
• Name Scan: resolves names for a range of IP addresses.
• Port Scan: scans ports on a machine to find supported services, such as HTTP, telnet, and FTP.
• Ping Scan: pings a range of IP addresses to find out which addresses are currently in use.
• Service Scan: scans a range of addresses for services, such as FTP, HTTP, and telnet.
System Requirements
• Thread Manager (part of System 7.5 or later)
• OpenTransport*
• 2 MB available memory (after system software)
Getting Started
1) Run the AGNetTools Installer
2) Run AGNetTools
* Open Transport is included with System 7.6 or later. On System 7.5.3 or later, on most PowerMacs (and compatibles) OpenTransport is enabled, however, on 68k Macintoshes, users must manually switch to OpenTransport using the Network Software Selector.